CEBU, Philippines – Effective October 12, 2010, enrollees and existing members under PhilHealth's Individually Paying Program were required to accomplish the new PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF) pursuant to Circular No. 24, series of 2010.
Upon registration, the duly accomplished PMRF shall be submitted together with a photocopy of the enrollee's birth certificate. Private practicing professionals and business owners will be required to attach a photocopy of their professional ID (ex. PRC ID), or business permit as the case may be.
Professionals and businessmen with a declared monthly family income after taxes of P25,000 and below will also be required to present a photocopy of their income tax return (ITR) or other proof of income.
The PMRF shall replace the existing member registration forms M1a for employed members, M1b for individually-paying members and land-based overseas Filipino workers, and the M1c for lifetime members.
The form shall also replace the member data amendment form M2 which is used for updating of member data record such as declaring additional dependents, change in civil status, or change in membership category.
During the Nationwide PhilHealth Registration Day (NPRD), registrants and those with amendments on their member data first used the PMRF. More than 450 individuals registered under PhilHealth's Individually Paying Program that day out of the over 3,000 who visited the designated service sites throughout Central Visayas. - /WAB (FREEMAN)