Businessman cries foul, wants Ombuds to probe NBI agent

CEBU, Philippines – The businessman who was arrested for alleged illegal possession of firearms and illegal drugs yesterday filed a complaint against National Bureau of Investigation agent Arnel Pura before the Office of the Ombudsman.

Robert Nicholas Granthom alleged Pura planted evidence against him, extorted money from him, and failed to inform him of his Constitutional rights during the arrest. He also alleged that Pura obtained the search warrant against him "maliciously."

An administrative complaint for grave misconduct was also filed against Pura.

Granthom asked the anti-graft office to suspend Pura preventively pending resolution of the complaint.

"Pura was the only person charged because it was not a joint operation that extorts money, planting of evidence and other violations committed against Granthom and Pura is only one responsible on the basis of the evaluation," reads Granthom's complaint. 

Granthom alleged that between 4pm and 5pm on September 23, two days after NBI personnel swooped down on his residence, Pura allegedly approached him and told him that he found three plastic sachets of cocaine and a plastic ice cream spoon allegedly with traces of cocaine. 

Granthom said he was shocked with the information because he reportedly never used illegal drugs.

Pura allegedly told him they could settle the issue if he shells out P500,000, otherwise, Pura would recommend the filing of a case against him. Granthom said he was not able to produce the amount.

Pura denied all allegations. (FREEMAN)

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