Barangay-based directory of blood donors pushed

CEBU, Philippines - There shall soon be a Barangay Blood Donor’s Directory in the Province of Cebu as the Provincial Board pushes for the barangay-based profile of potential blood donors.

PB Member Arleigh Jay Sitoy proposed an ordinance requiring all barangays in the Province of Cebu to create and maintain a directory or profile database for both “walking and potential” blood donors.

In the proposed ordinance, walking blood donor is defined as one who has been previously screened and declared fit and ready to donate blood when needed.

A potential blood donor, meanwhile, is defined as one whose blood type has been previously screened and positively classified by history and physical examination as belonging to a rare blood group, and who, based on prior surveys, has expressed willingness to donate blood.

Once the proposal is approved, the ordinance shall be known as the Barangay Blood Donor’s Directory of 2010.

Reports from the Regional Blood Center state that Cebu is suffering from blood shortage. This prompted Sitoy to file this measure as he considers the problem tantamount to any major crisis or disaster that must be addressed urgently and effectively.

The Department of Health also identified September as the peak month of the mosquito-born disease.

With dengue cases expected to peak this month, concern over blood supply and its cost is on the minds of the people and hospitals.

“A comprehensive and organized data of blood donors, qualified or potential, should be prepared and made available as one way to ensure adequate, safe and quality blood supply,” Sitoy said.

If approved, every barangay would be mandated to create and maintain a directory which shall contain, among others the name, sex, date of birth, complete address, occupation, blood type, date of last donation, contact numbers and email addresses.

Further, Sitoy also urged local government units to organize blood letting activities and blood donation campaign in their level to answer their respective blood needs. (THE FREEMAN)

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