Women, girls in Naga offer sex to seamen?

CEBU, Philippines – Women and even young girls allegedly offer sexual services to personnel of marine vessels that enter and remain for a while in Naga City's municipal waters.

A resident who refused to be named said the practice has been going on for a long time now but has not been given much attention.

According to the source, patrons are usually foreigners, and some Filipinos on board ships that carry coal or cement. The city has a coal-fired power plant and a cement fac-tory.

The women have been branded as "AB" or Akyat Barko.

The source said the women are ferried to the ships late at night by a pump boat and usually get off at daybreak to avoid being seen.

There had been allegations that some of these women go home with valuables stolen from ship personnel.

PO2 Miguel Castañares, duty desk officer of the City of Naga Police Station, said ships have reported missing things but the police find it difficult to pin down the wrong-doers because the women use aliases.

As to minors, the police can't track them because the girls work at night.

Castañares has also said some of these women have complained to the police about not getting paid for the services rendered.

Calls to Mayor Valdemar Chiong for comment were not returned. (FREEMAN)

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