Conflict of interest? MCIAA board meets in member's restaurant

CEBU, Philippines - Is it not conflict of interest for members of the Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority to hold its meetings in a restaurant owned by a member of the board?

Some airport personnel raised the question upon learning that the MCIAA board is regularly holding meetings at the Grand Majestic Restaurant of Winglip Chang.

Chang is one of the nine members of the MCIAA board as private sector representative.

Airport general manager Danilo Augusto Francia however was quick to defend their holding of their meetings at the Grand Majestic Restaurant along Archbishop Reyes Avenue saying that it was even advantageous to the government because they are using the function room and the equipment free of charge.

 “For ease to members who are in Lahug, the meeting is held there. Wherever the meetings are held, at the airport and elsewhere, the food is bought,” Francia explained.

“The lunch in meetings at Airport or anywhere are paid because it is part of official expenses, just like in any other corporation or agency,” he added.

Francia admitted that some airport personnel may be harboring ill feelings against the members of the MCIAA Board because of the policy that they are implementing on the granting of the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) bonus.

According to Francia, the granting of CNA bonus to employees is based on performance.

“Actually we have been very lenient to all in the granting of CNA. The evaluation of managers and supervisors were actually kind to many. Ever since we had all the CNA awarded by performance and it is considered the best,” he said.

Despite the ill-feelings of some employees, Francia said he has to carry the burdens of leadership.

“I am more focused on MCIAA serving the more than 90 million citizens, including the international passengers,” he said.

The MCIAA Board was also criticized for granting P500,000 severance pay to former tourism regional director Patria Aurora Roa.

The board granted Roa the pay upon her retirement as member of the MCIAA Board after 15 years. (THE FREEMAN)

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