Missing Philhealth checks: Suspension awaits CCMC official

CEBU, Philippines - Possible preventive suspension awaits for Cebu City Medical Center official who was accountable for the 28 missing checks from the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation following a recommendation from Cebu City Councilor Jose Daluz III.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama is said he is considering the option to place Lourdes Archua, credit officer IV of CCMC’s Business and Finance Department, under preventive suspension for releasing the checks amounting to P240,000.

Daluz, chairman of the committee on budget and finance, strongly recommended for Archua’s suspension after admitting she was responsible for the release of the checks.

“Preventive suspension is a management prerogative to prevent the person from accessing information and altering evidence while the investigation is pending. I still have to check this on Monday,” Rama said.

Archua released on May 4 the checks to a certain Concha Ruth Adlawan, who introduced herself as an employee of Philhealth. It was later found out that Adlawan is not connected to the said government insurance corporation.

Two other persons in the name of Kristine and Mary Ann Garcia also got some of the checks claiming that they are employees of Philhealth. The two told Archua that the checks issued must be collected back due to system changes.

They said that all checks of Philhealth must be stamped with Philhealth official seal before it can be encashed in the bank prompting Archua to release the checks which she said “were released in good faith and with nothing in my mind but the best interest of CCMC.”

Of the 28 checks, nine, amounting to P114,839.25, have already been irregularly encashed while the rest are now covered by a “Stop Payment” order filed by Philhealth before the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) to prevent further losses.

Daluz said that he will propose a resolution to the council for a more comprehensive investigation of the case since it involves city funds. He said that he will also ask the bank to explain why they allowed the checks to be encashed by a second person.

“We need their explanation because they are usually very strict with regards to encashment especially to a second person. Handwritten pa g’yud ang authorization,” Daluz said.

The handwritten authorization letter bears the signature of CCMC director Myrna Go. But Go denied that she made the authorization.

Daluz said that Philhealth must also explain why the check was issued in the name of Go and not to the city government.

“Usually in other agencies, when they issue checks, it is issued under the name of the local government unit which in our case should be Cebu City Government. Philhealth must explain why it is issued to Dr. Go,” Daluz said.

Rama said that he will have to know all the circumstances surrounding the case before he can decide on whether to suspend Archua or not.

The case has been endorsed to the City Legal Office and the office of the mayor for investigation.

Last May, Go also requested the National Bureau of Investigation to investigate the matter but the bureau has not come up with a result yet. (THE FREEMAN)

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