Busay fire blamed on cigarette, hot weather

CEBU, Philippines - A burning cigarette that reportedly caused the combustible trash to catch fire compounded by the hot weather, was blamed for the blaze that partially burned the security guard’s quarter of the house owned by a German national and a small eatery in Nivel Hills, Barangay Busay, Cebu City at almost 9 a.m. yesterday.

SFO2 Roylin Maratas said it was Victorino Barolo, a security guard, who first noticed a thick smoke from the burning guard’s quarter which was about five meters away from the staff house where he was then staying.

Maratas said the fire started outside a shanty, which was converted into a “carenderia.” The shanty, owned by Cynthia Villardo, is located at the back of the guard’s quarter. A gate reportedly separated both structures.

The fire officer believed that a burning cigarette butt caused the combustible trash outside the store, which was still closed that time, to catch fire.

The fire department received the alarm at 8:33 a.m. and subsequently two fire trucks were dispatched to the area as the fire was raised to the first alarm.

Firefighters were able to control the fire in two minutes. The damage was pegged at P5,000.

Maratas said Jay Bopp, a German national who owns the house being guarded by Barolo, was quick in stopping the fire from spreading by using the fire extinguisher before firefighters could even arrive.

Maratas said that it was either someone purposely burned materials at the back of the guard’s quarter or Barolo himself threw a still burning cigarette butt in the area, which the latter has vehemently denied.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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