Bus operators say LTFRB biased, negligent

CEBU, Philippines - Bus operators complained of alleged bias on the part of former Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board-7 director during a press conference with new LTFRB-7 director Benjamin Go at the Sacred Heart Center yesterday.

Members of the Cebu South Mini Bus Operators Association and Cebu Provincial Bus Operators Association also said the LTFRB had a habit of “misplacing” their written complaints.

Go took the place of Romulo Bernardes, who now is the Region III Director of LTFRB, last week.

Several complaints to LTFRB were addressed in the event. One is the alleged better treatment given to big agencies such as the Ceres Bus Liner during the term of Bernardes.

“When our mini-buses cause accidents, kastiguhon gyud mi pag-ayo ug i-suspend pa gyud ang mga buses sa agency. Pero kanang sa mga dagko nga ahensiya sama sa Ceres, dili gyud kastiguhon pag-ayo parehas namo,” said Julieto Flores, CSMBOA president.

Go however stated that in his term, he is going to treat every agency fairly, and that he will respond to every complaint based only on what is stated on LTFRB’s mandates.

Another complaint was regarding the alleged negligence of LTFRB members in handling their written complaints. CPBOA president Richard Corominas shared an incident wherein their written complaints were misplaced by members of LTFRB, making complainants file new ones.

“Hinaot unta, sir, nga dili ni mahitabo sa imohang termino. Kay dili gyud lalim nga dili matagad dayon imo complaints,” Corominas said.

Go said that such carelessness shall not happen in his term. He even said that members can text him and request for a private conversation in his office, so that the problem can be discussed.

Go said that he heard a lot of complaints already, yet he has not received any written official complaint from them. He says that he cannot act on these complaints unless they are written and sent to his office along with supporting documents and evidence.

“Kung mag sige lang ta og istorya, dili gyud na nako malihok. Angay mag-send gyud mo og written formal complaints,” Go said.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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