Man stabs friend dead over bet money

CEBU, Philippines - Gambling money is eyed as the reason behind the stabbing to death of a 33-year-old “habal-habal” (motorcycle-for-hire) driver in Barangay Tugbungan, Consolacion town the other night.

Sunday Isoto, of still undetermined age, and a resident of the said municipality, allegedly had a heated argument at shortly past 7 p.m. with a certain Ariel Puso, 31 years old, also a resident of the said town but a native of Palompon town, Leyte Province.

Initial investigation of police officers in Consolacion revealed that the two were from a cockfighting arena in Mandaue City. But upon arrival in Tugbungan, an altercation ensued between them when Isoto reportedly refused to “give back the money of the suspect.”

In the process, Puso allegedly stabbed Isoto several times with the use of a kitchen knife. Isoto was hit in the chest and in the abdomen as well as in the right hand and in the leg.

“M’ora ni sila og nagkurambos god, unya wa matarong og bahin mao nga naglalis sila,” SPO2 Arnold Omania said.

The victim was rushed to the Eversley Hospital in Barangay Jagobiao, Mandaue City. Minutes later, Isoto was pronounced dead there by the attending physician, Dr. Desiree Jo Gahi, because of the severe wounds that he sustained.

Afterwards, the body of the victim was taken to the Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes in Mandaue City for autopsy.

Police officers have already conducted a manhunt operation against the suspect who is said to be, ironically, a close friend of the victim. — Gabriel C. Bonjoc/MEEV (THE FREEMAN)

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