Baquerfo scolded for discourtesy

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman Visayas has reprimanded Tudela Mayor Rogelio Baquerfo Sr. after he was found guilty of discourtesy in the course of official duties when he ordered doors of the municipal council session hall padlocked without prior notice to the members of the town’s legislative body.

Baquerfo was found guilty for discourtesy in the case filed by Vice Mayor Clint Maratas who complained after the former closed and padlocked his office and the session hall with all the things of the council still inside.

This came after the general order of the respondent for the reorganization/office transfer of some offices of the municipality, namely the Office of the Vice Mayor and the session hall from the legislative building to the Commission on Elections office in another building.

Maratas said his office is “not suitable and dignified” since he regularly receives visitors on behalf of the municipality and the session hall is also too small.

Baquerfo countered saying his motives in issuing the questioned order were not tainted with malice but done due to the proposed renovation of the building. The mayor also stated that he wanted the transfer since he wanted to avoid possible danger to his life after evading an ambush.

The Office of the Vice Mayor and the session hall was said to be identified as meeting places of the supporters of his rival Demetrio Granada.

The Office of the Ombudsman said in its decision that the mayor is authorized to transfer the different offices and that the reasons for the transfer is valid since there was indeed an attempt on his life which proves him not guilty of cruelty or excessive use of authority and misconduct.

However, they also found it highly irregular that the transfer was done without the consultation on the affected officials and personnel and that “the respondent need not go far as to close and place a padlock on the doors of the offices.” — AJ de la Torre/BRP   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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