Ombuds suspends Marina official

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas has ordered the suspension of an inspector of the Maritime Industry Authority on top of the filing of a criminal case in court after she was found guilty of misconduct.

Engineer Lilah Rodas, an inspector of Marina-7, was meted the penalty of one month and one day suspension without pay after she was found guilty of simple misconduct.

In September 2008, the anti-graft office recommended for Rodas’ suspension, which Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez recently approved, because of the complaint filed by Patrick Renaud, a foreigner.

Renaud, a retiree living in the Philippines under a special resident retiree’s visa issued by the Philippine Retirement Authority, said he was referred to Rodas when he inquired about the requirements and procedure of having a boat as he was interested to buy one.

Rodas allegedly proposed a company that can build the boat for him and offered to take care of the documentation. Rodas even assured the complainant that he will not have a difficulty in the documentation with Marina because she will be the one to conduct the inspection.

Renaud said in March 2006, he entered into an agreement with Rodas for the purchase of a boat in the amount of P1,746,211.50. In the contract, Rodas agreed to deliver the boat within 120 calendar days including all the legal documents of the boat.

Renaud said he immediately made a down payment of P200,000 on March 17, 2006 until he was able to pay the contract price in full. In the process of building the boat, Renaud said he proposed several modifications like cabin, toilet and other equipment for which he paid an additional amount of P623,588.50 bringing the total contract amount to P2,369,800.

In November of the same year, Renaud said they conducted the test of the boat. However, he found out that it was defective and unfit to use. In an e-mail to the complainant, Rodas admitted she made a mistake and suggested to correct it by asking additional P400,000 to P500,000 from the Renaud.

The complainant already refused and demanded for the reimbursement of the amount he had given. In her counter-affidavit Rodas denied she was the principal party to the contract.

She claimed it was her husband who was contracted by the complainant but she agreed to use her name in the receipts as it was easier for Renaud to send his payment. Rodas claimed that her failure to deliver the boat was due to the complainant’s modification.

The anti-graft office ruled that Rodas was guilty of simple misconduct by receiving the documentation and licensing fee intended for the registration of the boat that she constructed for a client for which she very well know will pass her scrutiny being an inspector of Marina and wherein the approval of the registration of the same will be done in the government office for which she is employed. 

 “It is therefore clearly established that respondent Rodas transacted business which is prohibited under the law,” the Ombudsman decision read.

In a separate resolution, the Ombudsman ordered the filing of the criminal case in court against Rodas for violation of section 7(b)(2) of the Republic Act 6713 otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

The anti-graft body has ordered the Marina-7 to immediately implement the suspension order. — Fred P. Languido/LPM  (THE FREEMAN)

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