Gwen, police destroy video karera, marijuana

CEBU, Philippines - Governor Gwendolyn Garcia led the ceremonial destruction of 40 video karera machines and the burning of 200 stalks of marijuana at the Cebu Provincial Police Office headquarters grounds yesterday.

 Garcia, together with Police Regional Office-7 director Lani-O Nerez, her runningmate Glen Anthony Soco, and other top government officials, supports the said activity of the CPPO in relation to their all-out war policy against illegal drugs and illegal gambling.

After a brief program at almost noontime, Garcia got on the backhoe, maneuvered it herself and started crushing the illegal gambling machines for about 10 minutes. She then got off and proceeded nearby to lead the burning of marijuana stalks. Uprooted marijuana stalks had already grown to around four feet tall.

The machines and marijuana plants were recovered by the different police stations under CPPO during their operations this year.

In her speech, Garcia said she takes pride in this particular achievement of the CPPO officials and personnel.

A memorandum of agreement was in fact signed yesterday among Garcia, Digal and other officials after the CPPO received a brand new van from the governor for the operations of CPPO’s Special Rescue Unit.

Garcia also vowed to grant acting CPPO director Erson Digal’s request for another vehicle for his plan to create a Scene of the Crime Operatives both in the northern and southern jurisdictions of the CPPO.

“Og unsa ilang program, igo lang ko mosuporta. In our fight against illegal drugs and illegal gambling, there are no sacred cows; only sacred values of peace and order and what is legal,” Garcia said.

Led by Digal, the CPPO handed over a certificate of appreciation to Garcia during the ceremony.

Yesterday’s ceremony was also attended by Provincial Board member Juan Bolo, Dangerous Drugs Board Undersecretary Clarence Paul Oaminal, and 78th Infantry Battalion head, Col. Raymundo Bañares. — Niña G. Sumacot/MEEV   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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