Cops in hot water for missing video karera parts

CEBU, Philippines - Elements of the Provincial Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Task Force and Provincial Intelligence Branch are in hot water the Central Processing Units and several other parts of confiscated video karera machines allegedly went missing.

Provincial Police Director Erson Digal ordered the Provincial Investigation and Detective Management Branch to probe the incident yesterday after no less than Regional Police Director Lani-O Nerez reportedly called him to inform him of the alleged incident.

Reports had it that the PAIDSOT and PIB personnel allegedly took the items away and allegedly even sold some of the video karera machines.

SPO4 Lamberto Rabaya of PIDMB said there are reportedly 10 video karera machines kept at the old building of the Cebu Provincial Police Office. However, after inspection yesterday, the seal and padlocks have reportedly been tampered with and several CPU’s are no longer there.

Supt. Rodolfo Albotra Jr., chief of PAIDSOT and PIB, said he and his personnel are willing to submit themselves to investigation.

Albotra explained that he only has knowledge of the six video karera machines that have been confiscated since he assumed office as PAIDSOT and PIB chief. The six machines were recorded on the spot report.

“They could check the units to clear the office, as well as my personnel,” Albotra said. — Gabriel C. Bonjoc/JMO   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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