Manifestation of Rep. Eduardo Gullas on Martial Law in Maguindanao

CEBU, Philippines - Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Colleagues, good evening.

The key to enduring peace and sustainable development in Mindanao is to let the rule of law reign supreme.

And if the only way to achieve this objective, martial law must be imposed, then by all means, let it be.

We have seen Presidents come and go, Presidents Marcos, Aquino, Ramos, Estrada. Yet peace has eluded Mindanao for so long. So also is development.

And for as long as well entrench armed groups and private armies, that take the law in their own hands, hold sway and rule the land, we will never, never see peace in Mindanao.

Even for this reason alone, Mr. Speaker, namely to achieve peace, the imposition of martial rule in the Province of Maguindanao is Justifiable.

But it is not the only reason – there are barbaric, brutal and beastly murders of Filipinos by fellow Filipinos, rape of women, killing of innocent children, kidnappings and mass murderers of journalists never witnessed elsewhere in the world.

Mr. Speaker and beloved colleagues, I have learned from the great learned Saint, St. Luke, and the martyred U.S. President John F. Kennedy – that the courage to fight one’s enemies is easy. It is the courage to fight one’s friends and allies that is difficult.

And I am always impressed whenever I see courage.

I can only imagine how long it must have been for President Arroyo to agonize before arriving at the decision to impose martial rule. I, however, know that as the reports of the intelligence community of the AFP came pouring in, information which only the President and the President alone is privy of, for the sake of the people of Mindanao in general and Maguindanao in particular, she had, on that fateful day of December 4, no other course but to impose martial law.

That to me is LEADERSHIP!

And I am ready to support my President on that decision.

Let it therefore be of record Mr. Speaker and my beloved colleagues that I am in favor to the imposition of Martial Law in the Province of Maguindanao.

I thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank you Distinguished Colleagues.    (FREEMAN NEWS)

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