DOLE-7 assists in Naga livelihood restoration

CEBU, Philippines - Department of Labor and Employment-7 regional director Elias Cayanong immediately deployed DOLE-7 officials to assess the situation and assist Naga develop a package of livelihood restoration assistance for the victims of the recent flooding.

Tropical depression Urduja flooded 15 barangays of Naga affecting 81 families or 316 individuals including children. The weather disturbance left homes and infrastructures destroyed, as well as affected means of livelihood.

“We stand steadfast to assist flood victims, who are informal sector workers of Naga, restore their existing livelihood,” Cayanong said.

He added that it is their commitment to support victims of natural calamities and disasters “bring back their source of livelihood.”

“That is why we work closely with the office of Congressman Eduardo Gullas and Naga Mayor Valdemar Chiong to provide the victims with the necessary materials, tools, equipment and jigs to quickly start all over again their source of revenue,” Cayanong said.

Flood victims are farmers, women, youth, and fisherfolk, hence DOLE-7 will coordinate with Delia Tibay, Department of Social Welfare and Development officer, to profile, identify and prepare project proposal to assist women and the youth through the DOLE Integrated Livelihood Project.

Meanwhile, farmers can propose inputs for their crops as well as tools, equipment, farm animals and jigs for farming in coordination with city agriculturist Victor Rabor. 

On the other hand, fishermen through the Integrated Services of Livelihood Assistance for Fisherfolk, may ask for fishing gears and paraphernalia and alternative livelihood.

Project package includes trainings on project management, simplified financial management, business management, leadership, safety and health and social protection. — Johanna T. Natavio/MEEV    (FREEMAN NEWS)



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