Strict enforcement of laws that protect children eyed

CEBU, Philippines - The wife of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña yesterday asked the authorities to strictly enforce the laws that give protection to children.

Margot Osmeña, chairperson of the City Commission for the Welfare of Children, delivered her state of the children’s report before the City Council during its regular session yesterday afternoon.

Although she did not elaborate, Margot said she received a report about the increasing number of minors working in resto bars. She suggested that a curfew for minors should be strictly implemented throughout the city.

She also recommended that local officials should strictly implement City Ordinance 1413, which prohibits the establishment of resto bars within 100-meter radius from schools and other prohibited areas.

Margot claimed that the city has been helping the less-fortunate children in the city by providing them with free education, health services, among others.

As a proof, she said the city ended up in the top three of the presidential search for most child-friendly cities and municipalities in the country.

She thanked the city for providing P2 million for the deworming of children in public schools, which benefited 94,987 elementary pupils and 5,502 children in day-care centers.

Margot said the city also spent P3 million for the campaign against dengue by putting up seven satellite laboratory centers in different barangays. Dengue-related needs are free at these centers.

The city, through the local school board, also spent another P3 million for the summer program and orientation of the 9,510 pre-schoolers. It also paid for the honoraria of teachers.

Children in conflict with the law were also attended to by the city through the allocation of P3.6 million for their food, medicine, among others.

For street children, Margot announced that many have been given free education by the Task Force on Street Children. Of the 1,952 children given education assistance by the task force, 534 graduated with 22 with honors in elementary and high schools. At least 90 have graduated in college.

Margot said the commission which she chairs will continue coordinating with government and non-government organizations for programs that will improve the condition of malnourished children.

She said the city should hire additional social workers, a suggestion which the City Council had agreed. — Rene U. Borromeo/LPM   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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