Davide steps down from council

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Councilor Hilario ;Junjun’ Davide III bid farewell to the city’s legislative body yesterday to embark into a bigger challenge of leading the campaign of the Liberal Party in the Province of Cebu.

Davide decided to step down as councilor so he can pour his efforts into being provincial coordinator of the LP, which is fielding the tandem of Senators Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III and Manuel ‘Mar’ Roxas II foir president and vice in 2010.

Davide, who presided the session as the Acting Vice Mayor, relinquished his chair and delivered a seven-minute speech, twice interrupted when he shed some tears.

“Mr. Chairman, I tender my resignation as a member of the finest city council in the country, it pains me to leave the city government, it pains me to leave the city council,” Davide said.

He said his new duties will entail a lot from him.

“This will require my full attention, time and effort, and this respect I will exhume the city council for any criticism should I continue to hold two positions that will require my utmost attention,” Davide said.

He said he is forever grateful for the things he learned from the corners of city hall, which equipped him in a wider and greater scope of carrying out the responsibilities with LP.

“Our friendly formal exchanges in this session and camaraderie, had been a source of joy and inspiration in our collected quest for a better and happier life for the people of Cebu City and specially the underprivileged,” Davide said.

He said he believes that a new twist in the political spectrum will lead them to a new chapter in Philippine politics. 

The Liberal Party, he believes, pushes faithful Christian politics built on the highest standards of morality, integrity and good governance. 

“These two young gentlemen in my mind (Aquino and Roxas), pose the desired qualities of national leaders that can provide genuine, selfless and honest service for the people and it is for this reason, that I accepted the appointment as Liberal Party Chair for the province of Cebu,” Davide said.

“Mr. Chairman, this is Junjun Davide signing off and saying, it’s been an honor and a privilege serving the great city of Cebu,” he concluded his farewell speech which was followed by an applause from his colleagues and from the people in the gallery.

Davide’s wife Jobella and two daughters — Nina, 15, and Dana, 19, were at the gallery along with his mother, Virginia Perez Davide, the wife of former Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr.

His eldest daughter Patricia, 21, is currently in Manila attending school.

Jobella said just like in the previous decisions to run as city councilor, the decision of her husband to accept the position as LP Provincial Chair is with the family’s support and consent.

“I love my son. He is a very good son,” were the only words uttered by his mother when sought for comment.

Jobella added that the decision to run for governor, if chosen by the party will still be discussed by the family, although Davide already mentioned earlier that he is ready to assume such.

Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña for his part said Davide is a loss to Cebu City.

“Sa mga tawo sa pro-binysa we want to tell you that we lost our best councilor. Way question nga ganahan gyud ang mga tawo dire sa siyudad. Hinaut unta og makahatag sab siya og maayong serbisyo sa probinysa,” the mayor said.

Davide said he will still be reporting to City Hall until November 1 to be able to do some clearances and turn over documents.

He hopes that his staff will be absorbed by any office in the city government. — /NLQ   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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