CMB youth group launched

CEBU, Philippines - Coastal barangays in Cebu City yesterday launched the Coastal Management Board- Youth Sector to help implement environmental and safety initiatives of the CMB.

The CMB-YS is composed of representatives from the city’s 16 coastal barangays. Heading the group is Kim Gabronino, a Sangguniang Kabataan councilman of barangay Duljo Fatima said.

“We focus more on empowering the youth in order to assist in effectively implementing the thrusts of the CMB, particularly with environment and safety,” Gabronino said.

She said CMB-YS will focus more conducting learning sessions with the out-of-school youth. The group would also participate in the quarterly coastal clean-up, which is implemented to lessen flooding in the city.

About 50 percent of garbage is removed from creeks, rivers, canals and coasts during the quarterly clean-up, but Gabronino said the group is also eyeing the replicate the clean-up even monthly.

“We would like to emphasize that we are not political in nature and we just want to be of help particularly in the maintenance of environmental safety,” Gabronino added. Gabronino said it is important to sustain the group and the interest of its members. She said plans are in place to make it so.

“We work hard, we also play hard aron dili boringan ang mga batan-on ba,” she said.

This early, CMB-YS has established links with other groups, among which is the Junior Jaycees.

Oliver Requilma, vice president- external of Junior Jaycees, said a strategic planning between CMB-YS and Junior Jaycees has been scheduled to set their direction for the coming year.

The planning will tackle, among others, the specific needs of the youth of each barangay, be it livelihood, personality enhancement and many others.

The 16 coastal barangays are Cogon Pardo, Duljo Fatima, Inayawan, San Roque, Ermita, Mabolo, Pasil. Basak-Pardo, Tejero, Tinago, Carreta, Suba, Basak San Nicolas, Mambaling, Santo. Niño and Sawang Calero.

Acting Mayor Michael Rama and some City Councilors and barangay heads were supported yesterday’s launching. — Ferliza C. Contratista/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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