Guardo, Tisa residents talk anti-dengue plans

CEBU, Philippines - Residents of sitio Caduloy, barangay Tisa, yesterday received —for the first time— information and preventive strategies against the dreaded dengue virus.

Around 60 residents of the sitio and neighboring sitios attended the launching of the Guard Against Dengue Spread (GUARD) yesterday morning.

“Mapasalamaton kaayo mi ani kay sukad sukad wala pa juy mianhi ug miistorya namo kun unsa diay nang kagaw sa sakit nga dengue namatay na lang to akoang anak,” were the words of Celestina Labrador, the mother of a 12-year-old child who died of dengue recently.

She was among the residents who listened intently to the lectures of personnel from the City Health Department, who were tapped by opposition leader and businessman Jonathan Guardo for the project.

The residents were also clustered to conduct cleanliness drives and plotted schedules of fogging.

Guardo made a ceremonial boxing of a dummy mosquito reiterating the seriousness of the drive.

He however clarified that his information drive against dengue is not part of his campaign for south district representative, saying he merely wants to help Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña in the fight since City Hall efforts are not enough.

In the said sitio, there were already two casualties recorded and another in the adjacent sitio Chikos.

Guardo also said he is coming up with his own television advertisement against dengue next week.

“This is a serious matter and so everyone’s cooperation is needed, wala nay politika-politika ani, we just have to do our part,” Guardo said.

 Statistics from the City Health Department recorded 23 deaths out of the over 700 hospitalized for the said virus.

Osmeña recently ordered CHD through the Mayor’s Management Team to conduct  massive information dissemination in the barangays. — Ferliza C. Contratista/BRP (FREEMAN NEWS)

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