Police eye illegal drugs in killing of civilian volunteer

CEBU, Philippines - Police Regional Office-7 director Lani-O Nerez has ordered the Cebu Provincial Police Office to check the background of the member of Civilian Volunteers Organization who was killed last Sunday morning just in front of their house in Sitio Checkpoint, Barangay Lamesa, Balamban.

Nerez said it could be possible that the motive of the killing was drug-related because the victim, Eric Baculi Villavelez, 27, was known as the informant of the police officers on the locations of marijuana plantations.

The police official has personally gone to the place and reminded Villavelez not to be too much confident and must need to be vigilant.

SPO3 Jose Villarino of Balamban Police Station said the victim’s father told them that his son was waiting for a habal-habal ride when he was shot. Villavelez’s family was allegedly inside their house when they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire prompting them to check and found the victim’s body on the ground bathed in his own blood.

Balamban police found several gunshot and stab wounds on the victim’s body making them believe he was first shot and then stabbed to finish him off.

Police investigators said prior to the incident, Villavelez had received several death threats. — Gabriel C. Bonjoc/WAB   (THE FREEMAN)

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