Man charged for illegal drugs

CEBU, Philippines - Charges for possession of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia have been filed by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency against a man who was arrested during a raid in his house last July 21.

Farouk Hamis, 47, was charged after he was arrested by PDEA operatives during a raid in his house in Barangay Mambaling. The operation was done by virtue of a search warrant that led agents to recover a large pack of shabu that was allegedly kept inside a plastic ware mixed with at least three kilos of rice. IO1 Jonar Cuayzon, IO1 Brian Paul Villegas and IO1 Kristian Sesante in their joint affidavit said that upon their arrival at Hamis’ house, they introduced themselves as PDEA agents but nobody opened the door.

When they forcibly opened it, they saw Hamis inside together with a female, who was acting suspiciously and trying to find something in the kitchen.

When the operatives noticed her, they tried to find what she was looking for and found a plastic ware that contained the large pack of shabu. 

Along with the large pack of shabu, three pieces of rolled tinfoil were also found together with several cellular phones.

Hamis, 47, denied that the packs of suspected shabu found in his house belonged to him.

PDEA-7 director Randy Pedroso earlier said they made a test buy and surveillance on the suspect before the raid was conducted together with the members of Special Weapon and Tactics of Cebu City.A search warrant issued by Regional Trial Court Judge Meinrado Paredes of Branch 17 was used during the raid. — Jasmin R. Uy/WAB   (THE FREEMAN)

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