Bus operators, transport officials discuss issues on undercharging

CEBU, Philippines – Members of the Cebu Provincial Bus Operators Association Inc. and officials of the Land Transportation Office as well as the Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board met yesterday to discuss issues on alleged undercharging by some buses operating in the province.

Some members of CPBOA are allegedly implementing lower fares than the agreed P8.50 per five kilometer and the additional P1.20 in every succeeding kilometer.

LTFRB-7 director Romulo Bernardez said he understood that even if there is competition among buses, which would make the riding public happy, there is still a rule and they should all come up with an agreement that everyone will follow.

“Once and for all, you should all come to an agreement that this should be strictly implemented,” Bernardez stressed. He added this is the reason why there is a fare tariff because it shows the distance traveled and corresponding fares that should be paid.

One of those that allegedly implement lower fare is the Vallacar Transit Incorporated, which is also a member of the CPBOA.

However, Crisanto Ouano of VTI said they follow the tariff but as to increasing or decreasing the current fare they are implementing, they still have to wait for the decision of their main office in Bacolod since they have a memorandum that they could not deliberately make some changes.

But Bernardez said the fact that there is a fare tariff, it should be implemented. Other bus operators expressed support to this, saying the undercharging by some of their members is affecting them who are following the right fare.

CPBOA president Richard Corominas said the group is blamed by the commuters when other buses collect lower fares while some could not implement the same.

With this, the group agreed to strictly implement the minimum fare of P8.50 for the first five kilometers and additional P1.20 for every succeeding kilometer.

Bernardez clarified though that for the 20 percent discount for the students, disabled, and the senior citizens, will be based on the regulated fare addition for the succeeding kilometer which is P1.35. This has been implemented since July 1, he added.

LTO regional director Raul Aguilos also asked for the commitment of the operators on the matter, saying they should abide with the minimum fare because they are the ones who could solve the problem.

Aguilos said that they will continue to be strict in implementing the rules and assured that “no one is above the law.”

Bernardez also stressed that fare matrixes should be displayed because passengers have the right to know the rate they should be paying. — AJ de la Torre/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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