ERC approves rules for test and maintenance of electric meters

CEBU, Philippines – The Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the Rules and Procedures for the Test and Maintenance of Electric Meters of Distribution Utilities.

The Rules and Procedures were promulgated to ensure the highest level of confidence of consumers on the accuracy of their electric watt-hour meters.

Under the approved rules, all distribution utilities must see to it that all electric meters put into service are tested and sealed.

Meanwhile, meters that are already in service should be tested at an ERC approved “Meter Shop” at least once every two years, in accordance with a statistical sampling program approved by ERC.

A Meter Shop is where routine testing, repair, and calibration of electric meters and other auxiliary devices are being undertaken. The shop must have equipment essential to the metering of electric power and energy and must be readily available for inspection during office hours by an authorized ERC representative.

Under the said Rules and Procedures, the ERC shall establish and maintain reference standards with highest accuracy traceable to United States of America’s National Institute of Standards and Technology standards or an equivalent institution.

In a statement, ERC chairperson Zenaida Cruz-Ducut said ERC will closely monitor the operations of Meter Shops to ensure their strict compliance to the Rules and Procedures.

She added that to ensure protection of all consumers, ERC will see to it that every meter undergoing testing and calibration maintains an accuracy level that has an error tolerance of nearly zero. – Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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