Castro to drop "bombshell" vs Madarang before DOJ

CEBU, Philippines – Controversial Cebu City Assistant Prosecutor Mary Ann Castro will drop a “bombshell” against Bureau of Immigration Region VII officials during their fact-finding investigation on June 2 at the Department of Justice.

“We will be throwing a bombshell on the schedule hearing and it’s not just an ordinary bomb, but an atomic bomb,” says Castro in a text message to The Freeman.

Castro, together with Gregorio Tan, Jr. and Normi Mante filed a complaint against Casimiro Madarang III for alleged irregularities he committed as acting regional director of BI.

Castro was then detailed at BI as the acting chief of Board of Special Inquiry. Her assignment there was however ordered revoked by Department of Justice secretary Raul Gonzales last May 4.

Tan, according to Castro, is BI’s record’s section staff while Mante is BSI staff.

Castro, Tan and Mante received a subpoena last May 21 from Senior State Prosecutor Purita Mercado-Deynata directing them to appear on June 2 hearing and bring the duly receipted copy of the said complaint together with all the attachments in support of their allegations.

DOJ Secretary Raul Gonzalez in his department order number 332 dated May 6, 2009 designated Deynata as chairman and State Prosecutor Romeo Galvez and PA Rhodora Salazar as members of the fact-finding committee specially created to conduct an investigation into the complaint filed by Madarang against Castro and the complaint filed by Castro, Tan and Mante against the BI regional office’s top official.

Gonzalez also directed the panel of prosecutors to file a report within 45 days from receipt of his memorandum and if evidence warrants, to recommend appropriate penalty to the erring individuals.

Castro in his letter to Gonzalez dated May 6, 2009 asked to place Madarang and Fernando Butch San Ramon, supervisor of BI at the airport, under preventive suspension to prevent them from further engaging in their alleged illicit acts.

Castro said that the two officials were engaged in anomalous and questionable transactions in their respective offices, which could warrant criminal and administrative liabilities.

Gonzalez, in his memorandum dated May 6, 2009 addressed to Madarang, directed the latter to submit his formal complaint against Castro together with the evidence to proceed with the administrative investigation against the lady prosecutor.

The DOJ chief also informed Madarang that his memorandum was “for the Secretary’s information” only and DOJ cannot proceed with any investigation without a formal complaint made under oath.

It can be recalled that Castro earned the ire of BI regional officials and employees due to her alleged illegal activities that brought down the image of the bureau.

Madarang has submitted a letter-complaint addressed to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo that prompted Press Secretary Cerge Remonde to ask Gonzalez to recall the detail of Castro at the BI.

Feeling maligned and claiming to have suffered immeasurable shame, Castro filed a P20 million libel suit against Remonde.

Castro is now facing bribery and extortion cases before the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas which was filed by Madarang early this month. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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