One year after sinking: Families of Edago crewmen protest delay in probe

CEBU, Philippines – Families of crewmembers of the M/V Edago Expedition that sank exactly a year ago off the Province of Antique marched in front of the office of the Coast Guard yesterday to rally for what they described as a “still unanswered question” about the ship’s sinking.

They also questioned why the Special Board of Marine Inquiry still has not started its probe on the incident.

Lanie Israel, wife of the ships Quarter Master Errol Israel, said they did not want to hold the protest but they reportedly have grown disheartened over the unfulfilled promise given to them by the Coast Guard.

Coastguard Deputy Commander Anelito Gabisan said they understood the sentiments of the crews’ families but they cannot start with an investigation unless the Regional Trial Court resolves the case filed by the ship’s to which the court has directed the Coast Guard to comment.

“Ilaha nang right mag-hunahuna nga wala mi gibuhat pero kami, kabaw mi nga gibuhat gyud namo ang tanan,” Gabisan said, adding, however, that the families “should know whom to bark at.”

Another kink on the matter is the ongoing investigation that is reportedly being conducted by the central office, which, Gabisan said, needs to be clarified after the Maritime Industry Authority has given the go signal for them to start a probe.

The families questioned the delay of the investigation and alleged that the “concerned parties are afraid that something would be found out in the process like if the ship was really seaworthy to be allowed to sail.”

The families of the ship’s crew will offer a mass for them today and would continue the picket in front of the house of the ship’s owner. — AJ de la Torre/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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