2 die in separate incidents in Balamban and Catmon

CEBU, Philippines - A man, who has tried several times to end his life, was found hanging dead from a rope tied to the ceiling of the hut where he kept his animals late evening last Saturday.

Police reports said Avelino Marcellano Sr., 40, was found by his wife evening last Saturday after she went out to look for him when he did not come back an hour after he left their house in barangay Cambuhawi, Balamban town.

The wife, Basilisa, said Marcellano returned from work around 8 p.m. but instead of sleeping, left the house and never came back. She said she already started to worry when he did not return after an hour.

After a short search, Basilisa said she found her husband hanging lifeless to the ceiling of a hut near their house where they kept their animals.

Marcellano was reportedly drunk when he came home.

Basilisa said she cannot believe that her husband committed suicide, considering that they did not have any major quarrel or misunderstanding prior to the incident. 

Meanwhile, in the northern town of Catmon, a septuagenarian died last Saturday when the portion of a limestone depository where he was reportedly digging gave in and triggered a landslide that covered him with loose rocks.

Police said the giving in of the limestone also reportedly loosened the base of a coconut tree, which reportedly also fell on Sefriano Densing, a resident of the neighboring town of Sogod.

The incident reportedly occurred shortly after midday. — Niña G. Sumacot and Angelica Odias and Iris Christine Cornito (THE FREEMAN)

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