UN says "millennium goals" for 2015 still within reach

CEBU, Philippines - The United Nations Millennium Campaign expressed optimism that the Millennium Development Goals are still achievable even if they have only six years more before the target completion of the project in 2015.

By 2015, UNMC and all the states that have signed the MDG hope to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, gender equality and woman empowerment, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, control epidemic diseases, environmental sustainability and a global partnership for development among other nations.

UNMC director for Asia Minar Pimple said that the country is still lagging behind the goals of eradication of poverty and hunger, completion of primary education, improvement of maternal health and control of epidemic diseases such as HIV and malaria.

Pimple said that poverty remains the leading problem in the country with millions of people experiencing hunger.

At present, enrollment of children in primary education is at 83 percent rate. MDG aims that these 83 percent admitted to primary education will finish Grade six, yet based on statistics, only 70 percent are usually able to graduate elementary.

Further, everyday 11 women die due to maternity related causes which Pimple said is completely unacceptable since causes of deaths were found to be preventable causes.

Pimple said this is ironic in this country because the Philippines is one of the largest suppliers of medical practitioners in the world.

Cases of HIV, Tuberculosis and other diseases are increasing in the country. Last year, 200 deaths from HIV were reported but Pimple said this is just a portion of the reality since most of HIV cases are hidden.

Pimple said the country still lacks facilities in identifying such disease and most victims do not report their cases.

The UNMC believes that the achievement of MDG will be hastened if all the citizens will be aware that MDG exists.

Measures created to achieve these specific goals will not be realized unless there is cooperation from citizens, said Pimple.

The UNMC continues to mobilize all units of the government to take action and initiate the education of their people to achieve the universal goal.

UNMC announces the second Stand Up, Take Action against poverty campaign on October 16 to 18 and encouraged everybody to participate in the call to eradicate poverty and all the problems that come with it.

It was reported that last year, an overwhelming 35 million Filipinos joined the cause. — Jessica Ann R. Pareja/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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