Liloan seeks to improve abattoir

CEBU, Philippines - The Liloan municipal government is now focusing on the improvement of health and sanitation practices at the town’s slaughterhouse.

Councilor Lucilito Pilapil, chairman of the committee on health, said the town’s slaughterhouse is currently beset by problems such as the standards of the meat industry and the systems flow from the animal raiser to the consumer.

Municipal meat inspector Ireneo Noval admitted the practice of some butchers of slaughtering meat on the floor. It was also revealed that carcasses are still being transported through open vehicles instead of using closed vans.

“But there’s a wide room for improvement in the municipality’s own abattoir,” Noval said.

In the recent discussion with the municipal council, Noval also said butchers are being paid by the meant vendors and hence loyalty should naturally go to them, not to the raisers or the consumers.

Pilapil wants Noval to present proposals to the council in order to remedy the issues and problems affecting the slaughterhouse. He has scheduled another meeting with the meat inspector to hear a thorough presentation of the issues and to address some problems.

Meanwhile, the council approved a resolution asking for assistance from Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Senate Pro-tempore Jinggoy Estrada for the construction of a new public market.

The resolution was authored by Vice Mayor Thelma Jordan and passed during the last regular session.

Attached to the council resolution is a copy of the program of works from the engineer.

During the recent visit of former president Joseph Estrada to the town, Estrada announced that he will arrange with his son, Sen. Jinggoy, so P20 million can be released for the market’s construction.

“The people of Liloan —almost 100,000-strong by the latest count— have long been dreaming of seeing a bigger, modern public market to replace the smaller and ageing one whose dilapidated condition provides a stark contrast to the creeping urbanization that is visible all over the place,” the resolution read.

Jordan explained that the plan for the new public market has been stalled because of financial constraints. The new market will be located in barangay Jubay. — Garry B. Lao/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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