Guard arrested for wearing PNP uniform

CEBU, Philippines - A security guard of Cebu City Alliance Church was arrested yesterday at the corner of Colon Street and Manalili Street for wearing a Philippine National Police uniform.

Traffic patrol policemen PO3 Alan Magalso and PO2 Edgar Baton happened to follow Ian Pacaña, a resident of Junquera Street who was driving his bicycle.

The two police officers noticed that Pacaña was wearing a blue PNP pants and a black Regional Mobile Group (RMG) shirt with “BAGWIS” Batch 2002 marking.

When they asked Pacaña whether he is a police officer, he cannot show any proof. They immediately brought him to Parian Police Station.

However, Pacaña said that he does not know that wearing a police uniform is illegal. He said the police shirt was given by his “pare” named PO3 Philip Roma, who is assigned at the Regional Police Office.

But Sr. Insp. Bonifacio Garciano, Parian Police Station chief, said they would file a case against Pacaña to make his case a lesson to everyone.

Cebu City Police director Sr. Supt. Patrocinio Comendador also said a charge for violation of Article 174 of the Revised Penal Code would be filed against Pacaña.

Meanwhile, Police Regional Office regional director Federico Terte instructed all provincial and city police directors to conduct operations against PRO-7 personnel wearing PNP athletic uniform outside Tuesdays and Thursdays, which are police training days.

“We also urge the policemen na dili ipasuot sa ilang pamilya ang ilang pinaglumaan na police clothes lalo na ‘yung camouflage,” Terte said.

A memorandum will also be issued to the supplier of materials used in making police uniforms.

Cebu Provincial Police director Sr. Supt. Carmelo Valmoria already instructed the chiefs of police stations and units in the province on the matter. — Christopher Gabriel Bonjoc/LPM (THE FREEMAN)

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