Problems in prosecuting drug cases to be tackled

CEBU, Philippines - Dangerous Drugs Board Chairman Vicente “Tito” Sotto III was at the Palace of Justice yesterday to consult with prosecutors and the courts as regards the prosecution of drug cases here.

Regional Trial Court Executive Judge Meinrado Paredes said Sotto had decided to hold a dialogue next week with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, police, prosecutors and judges to discuss the problems affecting the prosecution of drug cases.

As what he has shared with Sotto, Paredes said the “heavy acquittal” of drug cases in Cebu is primarily due to technicality, especially when Section 21 of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act is not complied with.

The provision requires that a photograph should be taken in every operation and there should be representatives of the media and the local government unit.

This stringent requirement of the law, Paredes said, has affected the campaign against illegal drugs and the problem could not be addressed even if prosecutors are good.

“Our prosecutors are good but the problem is the stringent requirement of the law,” Paredes said.

Paredes himself is in favor of amending the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Law, such that the penalty would be lowered to encourage drug suspects to plea bargain. Paredes believes the stiffer penalty was never a deterrent to the problem.

“Stiffer penalty was not a deterrent kay and drug users don’t care about their future, they don’t even care about their families. They are really merchants of death,” he said. – Fred P. Languido/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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