USJ-R exemption from dumping fees approved

CEBU, Philippines - The city council has approved the request of a university here seeking exemption from payment of dumping charges at the Inayawan sanitary landfill.

The Committee on Laws, Ordinances, Public Accountability and Good Government approved the letter request of the University of San Jose-Recoletos, through its university president, Fr. Anthony Morillo.

According to the committee report, the Local Government Code authorizes local government units to grant exemption, incentive or relief.

However, it was required that the approval of the request be decided by the entire body which will probably be in this week’s regular session. 

Morillo said that USJ-R recently acquired a garbage compactor which enables the school to directly haul and dump its garbage in the landfill instead of waiting for personnel from the city’s Department of Public Services to collect the garbage.

However, councilor Jose Daluz III, who heads the Committee on Budget and Finance and who also endorsed the letter request, pointed out that USJ-R still has to pay for the annual garbage dumping fee, which is P20 per ton. 

The Inayawan landfill is on its way to privatization. Four bidders have already manifested interest to operate the landfill and pay the city an income share from its operations. — Ferliza C. Contratista/MEEV (THE FREEMAN)

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