Department of Agriculture: Hike in rice prices expected

CEBU, Philippines - Consumers can expect an increase in the prices of rice in the succeeding months, as drop in harvest is peaking by summer, said Edgar Diez, acting regional public information officer of the National Food Authority.

“Starting late January, wala naman harvest for palay mao musaka gyud na ang presyo sa musunod nga buwan,” Diez said, adding that price of commercial rice may increase by P1 to P2. But he explained that the increase in prices by this time of the year is already considered a trend because of the very less harvest during summer, particularly from April to May. Considered as major harvest season is from October to December, Diez said.

Diez assured the public the NFA will closely monitor all suppliers, distributors, and vendors to ensure they are selling rice within the suggested retail price and to avoid overpricing. Commercial rice costs about P33 these days.

Meanwhile, Diez belied the information that NFA had issued a “tie in order” to rice distributors, such that consumers would not be allowed to buy the P25 per kilo rice if they would not buy the rice costing P35 per kilo.

The FREEMAN received complaints that some vendors employ this tactic at the Tabo-an Market.

Diez, however, explained that they have distributed three types of commercial grade rice to retailers with prices P25, P30 and P35, but these are reportedly sold separately and consumers have the right to choose which type of rice to buy. — AJ dela Torre/JMO   (THE FREEMAN)

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