Streamlining affects only few NFA workers in Central Visayas

CEBU ­– Only few employees of the National Food Authority in Central Visayas will be affected by the streamlining of the government’s bureaucracy by discharging workers occupying redundant positions.

NFA-7 information officer Edgar Diez said only about five employees in the region will be affected by the streamlining since majority of those who will lose their jobs are based at their head office in Manila.

The NFA regional office has about 200 employees.

Diez, however, said that many employees here wanted to avail themselves of the streamlining because of the attractive package it offered.

Under Executive Order 366 issued by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on October 2, 2004, an employee may voluntarily opt for early retirement or transfer to a similar position in another office.

The order directs “a strategic review of the operations and organizations of the Executive Branch and providing options and incentives for government employees who may be affected by the rationalization of the functions and agencies.”

Mrs. Arroyo also directed all departments and agencies of the executive branch, as well as government-owned and-controlled corporations, “to scale down, phase out, abolish, deactivate, merge, consolidate and regularize any and all agencies that do not deliver quality public service.”

Likewise, the order sought to rationalize and improve “the quality and efficiency of government services delivery by eliminating/minimizing overlaps and duplication.”

The members of the Confederation for Unity, Recognition and Advancement of Government Employees (COURAGE) earlier launched a protest against the order, claiming that it would retrench about 420,000 government employees in the country. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/LPM  (THE FREEMAN)

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