Cogon Ramos tanod positive for shabu

Cebu - A member of the barangay police of barangay Cogon Ramos was found positive of using shabu following a surprise drug test conducted by the City Office for Substance Abuse Prevention the other night.

The Freeman is withholding the name of the barangay tanod pending confirmation of the drug test. Result of the confirmatory test will be released next week.

No less than Cogon Ramos barangay captain Omar Durano initiated the surprise drug test to clear insinuations that the barangay’s personnel are engaged in using illegal drugs.

"Mas maayo ni para maklaro kun kinsa gyud ang tiggamit ug illegal nga druga kay lisod man kaayo kita ang tigpatuman sa balaod unya nalambigit sa illegal nga drugs" Durano said.

About 56 barangay workers underwent the surprise drug test in Cogon Ramos.

Records of COSAP revealed that 12 personnel from different barangays in the city were found positive of using regulated and illegal drugs- seven were found positive of using shabu while five were found positive of using marijuana.

From the 10 barangays that requested for a surprise drug test last year, only the tests from barangays Mabolo and Sambag 2 yielded negative results. – Ramil V. Ayuman/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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