Osmeña belittles Capitol's claim

CEBU - Mayor-on-leave Tomas Osmeña has belittled the claim of Capitol spokesman Rory John Sepulveda that selling the South Road Property lots using the guidelines of the National Economic Development Authority is highly illegal.

Sepulveda had explained that local government units such as the Cebu City government are not among those government agencies that are allowed to use the guidelines of the NEDA.

“He can insist all he wants. He can even hold his breath until his head turns blue. They cannot dictate to us,” Osmeña said.

Sepulveda said the city cannot rely on the NEDA guidelines to back up the proposed joint venture agreement with Filinvest Land Incorporated for the outright purchase of 10 hectare lot at P2 billion and to enter for a joint venture with the city for the other 40 hectares.

He explained that Section 4 of the NEDA guidelines excludes the local government units from it because the guidelines are only applicable only to all government-owned and or controlled corporations, government corporate entities.

Other entities covered are government instrumentalities with corporate powers, government financial institutions, state universities and colleges, which are expressly authorized by law or their respective charters to enter into joint venture agreements.

Sepulveda also said that the outright sale of the 10 hectare lot should be done through a competitive bidding and not by just a Swiss Challenge.

But Osmena said: “Practically all real estate joint ventures involved in the alienation or sale of property, including the Cebu Property Ventures where each of the lots are sold without public bidding.”

“Sorry, but we will not adjust to this pseudo judge. Cebu City is open to an outside challenge for a better offer. That is the NEDA rule,” the mayor said.

The province has signified its intention to buy lots at the SRP to challenge the proposal of Filinvest. — Rene U. Borromeo/LPM (THE FREEMAN)

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