Chavit: Rebellion hinders progress

CEBU - Deputy Adviser on National Security Luis Chavit Singson said that armed rebellion is one of the obstacles that hinder the Philippines to achieve peace and order.

Speaking at the 18th Regional Association of Developmental Information Officers Consultative Conference, Singson said that the national government has adopted and enhanced its National Internal Security Plan to end insurgencies.

Singson said the NISP has outlined five offensives and three programs based on two major thrusts —to end the armed rebellion and promote a culture of peace.

The five offensives involve political, legal, military, economic and strategic communication. 

The political offensive aims to follow the principle of primacy of peaceful and political means to resolve conflict by upholding the rule of law, as government seeks renunciation of armed rebellion, political integration of the Communist Party of the Philippines and dismantling of the New People’s Army.

The legal offensive shall be realized through the issuance of Executive Order 493, which would create the Inter-Agency Legal Action to resolve inter-agency conflicts with due process.

The military offensive will involve military operations to eliminate rebels and maintain peace and order. The Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall unite in the drive against armed rebels.

Economic Offensive, on the other hand, shall dwell on alleviation of socio-economic conditions that nourish rebellion. Information drives among local government units will be done to emphasize their developmental role to end poverty.

Singson said strategic communications will be in place to weaken rebels’ recruitment capability. This will be done through exposing the true nature of the insurgency and how the rebel activities hinder progress.

Singson said that ending insurgencies will increase the country’s Gross National Product by one to two percent. He said there has been a continuous decline in the number of NPAs in the Philippines. — Jessica Ann R. Pareja/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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