City police office creates Task Force Motorcycle

CEBU - The Cebu City Police Office yesterday launched “Task Force Motorcycle” to go after criminals riding motorcycles.

City police director Supt. Patrocinio Comendador said a more vibrant police force is out to curb if not permanently stop motorcycle-related crimes.

“We are in a fighting mode, we have highly-trained people and if in the process there is really a need, then by all means they have the standing order to shoot to kill these identified motorcycle-riding criminals,” Comendador said.

Leading the Task Force is CCPO Deputy for Operations Supt. Paul Labra and directly under him is sharpshooter SPO1 Adonis Dumpit.

Comendador said Task Force Motorcycle had its test run a few weeks ago, but it was only yesterday when it was formalized.

The motorcycle riders are composed of police and auxiliary members, who are using their own personal motorcycles and will patrol streets 24 hours a day, and everyday.

Prior to their deployment, a briefing will be conducted to identify crime-prone areas and hours. The unit will also receive gasoline allowances.

Comendador said there will also be policemen in plainclothes patrolling on bikes.

Labra said the task force has three teams deployed systematically, the Homicide Team lead by Sr. Insp. Mario Monilar, the Robbery Team led by Sr. Insp. Michael Bastes and the Special Investigation Unit led by Sr. Insp. George Ylanan.

The new task force is seen to complement the synchronized checkpoints strategy that impounded over a hundred unregistered motorcycles in the first four days of operation.

From January to September this year, CCPO recorded 187 motorcycle-related crimes, the highest in the region. — Ferliza C. Contratista/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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