Mayors of 5 towns form anti-illegal fishing body

CEBU – Local officials of the five municipalities in northern Cebu recently agreed to unite and tap their resources in the campaign against all forms of illegal fishing and implement programs to protect and preserve marine resources.

In a meeting held at Borbon town, mayors of neighboring towns of Carmen, Catmon, Sogod and Tabogon promised their support to Mayor Bernard “Butch” Sepulveda who will lead the Northeast Coastal Resource Management Council against all forms of illegal fishing.

Mayor Estrella Aribal of Catmon and Mayor Eusebio Dungog of Tabogon attended the meeting while Mayor Sonia Pua of Carmen and Mayor Lisa Marie Durano of Sogod were not able to come and just sent their representatives.

It was learned that a memorandum of agreement for the creation of the Northeast Coastal Resource Management Council signed last December 6, 2006 by the five mayors. But they later agreed to set aside the implementation and creation of the council because of the 2007 local elections.

Sepulveda said there is a need for the mayors of five towns to unite against those responsible of destructing marine resources.

Under the memorandum of agreement, the towns of Carmen, Catmon, Sogod, Borbon and Tabogon agreed to adhere to the policy declared in Republic Act 8550 to achieve food security as the overriding consideration.

In the utilization, management, development, conservation and protection of fishery resources in order to provide the food needs of the population. The northeast Cebu municipalities have municipal waters that cover a portion of one of the important fishermen’s ecosystem in Central Visayas which is the Camotes Sea.

The council also agreed to work together with their common coastal ecosystem in order to maximize resources and the benefits which will be gained from the collaboration. — Jose P. Sollano/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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