Mandaue City police on alert vs bomb threat

CEBU - Security at the Mandaue City Hall of Justice will be tight today as a preventive measure to a letter received by Regional Trial Court Judge Teresita Galanida last week, which said the Moro Islamic Liberation Front will bomb the building this morning.

Police Regional Office -7 Director Ronald Roderos said he has directed the Regional Intelligence Division to trace the origin of the letter sent personally to Galanida by a certain “Celing.” The judge received the letter last Friday afternoon.

The police is also checking on Galanida’s background as judge in Dumaguete City, to determine if the letter might have some connection to a case she handled there. Non-commissioned officers of the police have also been assigned to secure the judge.

Likewise, all intelligence officers of the 11 police stations in Mandaue City, special units, and the traffic patrol group have been ordered to impose strict security.

In her letter, Celing, who claimed to be a wife of a new MILF member, specifically asked that the Hall of Justice can be secured to avoid fatalities once the plan is carried out. — Niña Chrismae G. Sumacot/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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