"Firing line presentation" of suspects not allowed

CEBU - The Philippine National Police does not want suspects to be presented to the media or to the public in a manner that is as if they are placed on a “firing line”.

This was emphasized by Police Regional Office-7 director Ronald Roderos during an interview with the media yesterday, though he said that he has not yet received an exact memorandum from the PNP chief about the matter.

Roderos however said that the latest information he received was that PNP chief, Deputy Director General Jesus Verzosa will talk today with National Association of Media consultants particularly the Defense-PNP press corps in Manila to “iron out” the said guideline.

He clarified that the PNP does not agree with the “firing line presentation” of suspects in a formal conference, this after conducting a verbal pronouncement to all police station chiefs about the guideline with the aim to make it clear for them.

This was what was mandated by PNP chief Verzosa following a Commission on Human Rights statement that showing the suspects to the public is degrading for them.

Roderos further pointed out that the suspect must not be boxed or hurt by the complainant in front of the police and of the camera.

“Hindi dapat gano’n… it’s as if we’re promoting violence kung gano’n ang ipapakita,” Roderos said.

Further, Roderos has requested the police station chiefs to have their station’s façade and investigation room clean, including the desk officer area and the desk officer himself; these for “good impression” to the public and also to create a citizen’s-friendly office and environment. — Niña Chrismae G. Sumacot/MEEV (THE FREEMAN)


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