Making pork more profitable

CEBU - Swine are found all over the world. In many countries, hogs constitute the backbone of the meat industry.

One of the major advantages of swine business is that it is relatively easy to start compared to beef and dairy business.

Beef and dairy business takes a large amount of capital just to acquire breeding stocks.

But how to make the swine business more profitable endeavor is a big question. Like most domestic animals, hogs respond to proper care and feeding.

The Cebu Integrated Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative (CIFMPC) will conduct a one-day seminar on “Hog Raising and Feed Formulation” on Saturday, September 20, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Venue will be the Conference Hall of the Department of Agriculture regional office along M. Velez Street, Cebu City.

Resource speaker is Dr. Benecio Mullon, who is a Master of Science in Animal Husbandry graduate from the University of the Philippines, Los Baños.

Interested parties may call Dr. Annie Atillo at 261-7184 or Mrs. Rose Canastra at 261-2129. — PR/LPM (THE FREEMAN)

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