Carpenter hacks another carpenter

CEBU - A 44-year-old carpenter landed at the hospital after he was hacked several times by another carpenter at sitio Subostiha, barangay Kalunasan, Cebu City last night.

Leo Lebris, resident of the said place, is now confined at Cebu City Medical Center for the treatment of the wounds he suffered due to the hacking by his neighbor and fellow carpenter Marlon Canillo, 42, a resident of Toledo City.

Investigating police said that prior the incident, Lebris had scolded the suspect for allegedly creating trouble outside his house.

Reports said Canillo was very noisy while looking for a certain Jeffrey Balili, the reason why Lebris admonished him.

Shortly after the scolding, the suspect, who was armed with a bolo, locally called as “sundang,” appeared and suddenly attacked the victim without any warning.

Canillo immediately fled after incident but elements of Guadalupe Police Station led by SPO1 Jayme Toring were able to trace him and arrested him during a hot pursuit operation.

SPO1 Carlos Silacay said that during interrogation, the suspect disclosed that before the hacking happened, the victim had hit him at the back using a steel pipe.

Ired, Canillo said he took a bolo outside the house of a neighbor and avenged himself by hacking the victim. – Niña Chrismae G. Sumacot/WAB (THE FREEMAN)


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