Kin of missing crew told to get death proclamations

Kin of the missing crew of the MV Edago Expedition still have to file a motion for the proclamation of death of the victims before they can claim the latter’s salary as well as other benefits they are entitled to under the Labor Code.

This was what Edmirito Gobonseng, legal counsel of Edago Lighterage Inc. and son of ELI owner Eduardo Gobonseng, asked from the family during the dialogue held yesterday at the National Labor Relations Commission-7.

Earlier, Deodiro Ravello, legal counsel of the kin of the victims, demanded that ELI design a financial package for the said families. The company also asked from them a motion from the court proclaiming the victims dead.

Gobonseng said that before the families can demand for the May and June salaries as well as the other labor payments for the victims, they must first present a copy from the court declaring the victims are already dead before the company will grant these benefits.

NLRC-7 labor arbiter Arturo Camiller set another hearing on September 26 for the resolution of the issue.

The families expressed their contempt after the meeting. They said they are anxious as to how they can proclaim the victims dead when it is the company’s obligation to conduct the investigation.

With the resolution still at bay, the families hope the September 26 dialogue with the NLRC-7 will shed some light regarding their pleas. 

The MV Edago Expedition sank last May 15 and the families of the 11 crew missing are complaining that they are not getting as much attention and help from the authorities as the kin of victims from the M/V Princess of the Stars. — Niña Chrismae G. Sumacot/BRP

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