Tanod positive in paraffin test; gun control on tanods imposed

The chief tanod who was allegedly involved in the Carbon shooting that killed a 14-year-old boy was found positive in a paraffin test, and this prompted Cebu City Police Office director to issue an order regulating tanods in carrying or owning a gun.

The paraffin test was conducted by the PNP Crime Laboratory Tuesday afternoon, a day after Beltran Bosque, chief tanod of barangay Ermita, surrendered to the CCPO homicide section upon the prodding of barangay captain Felicisimo Rupinta.

CCPO Homicide Section chief, Insp. Mario Monilar, said, “Both hands (of Bosque) were positive with gunpowder nitrates.” He said the result of the test was already sent to the city prosecutor’s office.

Bosque underwent the paraffin test, after he was positively identified by Ananias Anter, the father of the teenager who was hit instead while the tanods were chasing a suspected robber in the area last Sunday.

The boy sustained a gunshot wound on the left side of his chest, near the heart, and collapsed in the arms of his father. He was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.

Ananias believed that it was Bosque he saw carrying a firearm at the time, and was moving toward them shortly after shots rang out and the boy just fell to the ground.

Cebu City Police Office Director Patrocinio Comendador said the Ermita incident shall serve as a lesson, especially to the tanods, not to carry and own a gun without any license, documentation, or proper training.

Comendador already issued a directive to police stations and barangay offices disallowing tanods from carrying and owning unlicensed firearms, and requiring them to undergo training in gun handling first before using a licensed gun, if ever.

“One should really go to the process,.. molukat gyud og lisensya,” he said, explaining that his order is in accordance with the law, and in the aftermath of the killing of an innocent boy, who happened to be with his father transporting in their trisikad some cargo in the area.

Comendador said that a tanod or any officer found possessing or using an unlicensed firearm will be sanctioned. “Kung naa gani madakpan despite sa warning, then they will suffer the consequences,” the police director added. — Joy Kareen T. Saliente/RAE

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