3 bogus firms post job offering online

The Philippine Overseas and Employment Administration bared three fake job recruitment companies over at the worldwide web luring Filipinos for non-existing employment in the Middle East, Europe and America.

POEA-7 director Evelia Durato showed an advisory from their website of three bogus firms offering overseas jobs with attractive compensation packages for Filipinos.

The list includes Reserve Petroleum Nederland BV (www.reserve petroleum.com), Western Nursing and Daycare Services Limited (wns.ltd.tripod.com.html) and First Global Manpower (firstglobal.manpower recruitment@yahoo.fr).

Durato said Reserve Petroleum, which targets OFWs in the Middle East, copied the website of legitimate maritime contracting companies and posted fake orders for jobs in dredging and marine projects in Europe.

The company asked applicants to pay fees for visa or work residence permit and additional fees to cover registration documents.

Western Nursing, on the other hand, offers caregiving jobs in Canada by using free electronic mail and website hosting services.

Like Reserve Petroleum, the bogus company also requires applicants to pay visa fee and medical insurance.

First Global Manpower also recruits workers through free email hosting sites.It offers jobs as fish packers, garden workers and office cleaners in Ecuador, USA, Canada and Turkey and charged enormous amount for service fees and visa processing.

Durato reminds the public to be more cautious with job offerings since several unscrupulous people are out there to prey on Filipinos in the guise of “helping them deal with the economic crisis.” 

An applying OFW or those who are planning of working abroad should take the initiative to verify first the POEA on the legitimacy of the job offering.

The FREEMAN clicked through the address links given and found these to be inaccessible. — Ferliza C. Contratista/MEEV

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