Groups fear human milk banks might cause HIV transmission

Mothers who are incapable of breastfeeding must be certain that the milk they feed their infants is safe as civic and clerical groups fear that the human milk bank might be an avenue for Human-Immunodeficiency Virus transmission.

This was discussed in the 2008 National Human Life International-Family Life Apostolate Leaders Council Summit held yesterday at the GV Tower Hotel.

The human milk bank mentioned by Davao-based general pediatrician Gilda del Mar is under the implementing rules of Executive Order No. 51, commonly known as the Milk Code, which promotes breastfeeding and other “healthy” breast milk substitutes and supplements.

“Although breast milk from donors is screened, we cannot be sure if the milk is 100 virus-free,” said del Mar.

In the screening, Del Mar adds that there is the so-called window period of six months for the HIV virus, making it hard to be detected through tests. — Annie Hazel D. Basada and Rizzi Ann Cerera

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