Two armed men rob woman

Walking on the street at 11 p.m. may not be safe now, even when one is with a group.

Jocelyn Encela, 22, learned this Tuesday night when she was held up in barangay Bulacao by two armed men who took her valuables worth a total of P39,000.

Police said Encela, a resident of Friendly Homes Subdivision in Bulacao, was on her way home with two companions when the robbers, armed with ice picks, waylaid them and declared a hold-up.

Encela told policemen she did not know them but reported that one of them was about 5’4” tall, of slim build, with fair complexion, and wearing a sky-blue shirt at the time.  Taken from the victim was a Chinese gold bracelet, a cellular phone, and a Gameboy gadget.

Earlier that Tuesday morning, the tanods of barangay Poblacion Pardo arrested Edwin Durano, 34, for allegedly trying to steal a capacitor discharge ignition from a parked multicab owned by Andres Caballero, 34, a resident of the place.

Tanod Regardo Germarino said the responding policemen were able to recover the stolen item and the wrench and a six-inch kitchen knife used by Durano to remove the item.

Durano is now detained and facing a case for theft.  Rizzi Ann C. Cerera, UP  Tacloban intern/RAE

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