Larsian stallholders told to pay P.5M rent

Provincial treasurer Roy Salubre is giving delinquent stallholders of Larsian barbeque at Fuente Osmeña until the end of this month to settle their unpaid rent which is P.5 million.

“Kung di pa gyud sila makabayad kay ato-a gyud na silang pasirad-an,” Salubre told The Freeman yesterday.  He said that the stallholders have a total unpaid rent of P1.5 million which was supposed to be settled last December.

However, the provincial government allowed them an extension to pay.  Of the said amount, the stallholders have already paid P1 million last February. 

Larsian stallholders are paying a monthly rental of P4,500 and Salubre said that most of those who failed to pay are the ones who have been there longest.  He added that the provincial government will not hesitate to close the stalls of delinquent stallholders considering many applicants are willing to lease stalls and even offered to pay the unpaid rent.

“Daghan ug mga applicants nga andam mubayad sa mga unpaid rentals sa mga stallholders.  So, kaning mga existing stallholders kung di sila makabayad, mapugos gyud ta ug sira sa ilang mga stalls,” Salubre said.

The 46 stalls in Larsian are occupying the 1,900-square-meter lot owned by the provincial government, which is earning around P200,000 a month in rent.  —Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/BRP

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