1,289 of 5,626 hurdle bar exams, Cebu Bar topnotchers never saw it coming

Two students from the University of San Carlos and University of Cebu were among the top ten passers of the 2007 Bar Examinations. And both of them said they were not so sure they could even expect to pass.

Fourth placer Jennie Aclan of USC and 10th placer Christian Llido of UC both did not expect to pass the rigid examinations, much more to land in the top ten, they said in separate interviews with The Freeman.

A total of 1,289 out of the 5,626 examinees from 109 law schools nationwide passed the 2007 Bar Examinations held on September 2, 9, 16, and 23 last year at the De La Salle University in Taft Avenue, Manila.

Mercedita L. Ona of Ateneo de Manila University took first place with 83.55 percent she was followed by Jennifer T. Ong of University (83.35 percent), Yvanna L. Maalat of Ateneo de Manila University (82.75 percent, Aclan (82.1 percent), John Michael S. Galauran of the University of Nueva Caceres (81.6 percent) and Karen S. Canullas of San Sebastian College with 81.40 percent.

Seventh place was shared by Cecille L. Mejia of Ateneo de Manila University and Sheryl Ann D. Tizon of the University of the Philippines who both got 81.35 percent. In eighth place was Marforth T. Fua of San Beda College (81.20 percent) who is followed by Ruby M. Luy of the Ateneo de Davao with 81.15 pervent.

The tenth place is shared by Llido and Vivian S. Tan of the University of the Philippines who both got 80.90%

Aclan, who graduated last March without any honors despite being a consistent topnotcher in her class, described herself as a wide reader with a passion for law. She also described herself as “sipat” and confessed she skipped classes every now and then.

She works as a paralegal researcher of the Senining, Belciña, Atup, Entice, Limalima, Jumao-as and Bantilan Law Office.

Aclan said that she is indebted to former judge Romulo Senining for giving her the opportunity to work in his law firm considering that she was turned down by more than 20 law firms.

“Inig submit nako sa akong mga application letter kay ingnon lang ko nga tawagan ko unya wala gyu’y nanawag. Until I went personally to the office of judge Senining and he accepted me immediately,” Aclan recalled, beaming with pride beside her husband.

Her husband Angelito describes her as a perfect wife and a perfect mother to their only child.

Senining, described her as an exceptional woman who is more brilliant than he.

USC assistant dean Joan Largo described Aclan as “a very bright student” and consistent class topnotcher.

Llido is a UC Law class valedictorian and magna cum laude. But he said he said these did not lead him to expect this achievement.

 “Tungod kay bati kaayo ko ug agi. Mao nga nakulbaan gyud ko pag take nako sa exams. Nagto-o gyud ko nga mahagbong ko tungod sa kabati sa akong agi,” says Llido, 26, who was watching a movie when he was called for an interview.

After getting the good news he was not able to concentrate on the movie he was watching.

Llido also works as a paralegal researcher in the Sycip Law Office.

UC Law dean Baldomero Estenzo described Llido as a very diligent student. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/BRP

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