Pinoys have poor reading habits

“It is sad to note that the country is producing thousands of graduates yearly who are non-readers,” observes lawyer Ma. Andrea Pasion-Flores, executive director of the National Book Development Board during the culmination of the Cebu Education Expo yesterday.

Citing results of a recent survey, Flores said 55 percent of the population never bought a non-school book despite the fact that 94 percent of Filipino adults can read - simple words at least.

She said this must not be treated as a failure of the education system, but rather a challenge to every family.

“Parents should encourage their children to read,” she said. “Parents should develop that habit of reading to their children and giving them books as gifts, especially books authored by Filipinos,” she added.

Another survey result posted at the NBDB website mentioned that while Filipino adults generally recognize the value of reading books, 43 percent can let a whole year pass without reading a single non-school book.

On the other hand, 15 percent read two to three non-school books, and 14 percent read at least 10 non-school books.

Flores Agency was here during the Education Expo to conduct a consultation with region-based stakeholders in book publishing.

The affair was participated in by over 50 educational institutions, including government agencies such as the Technical Education Skills and Development Authority, the Commission on Higher Education and the Coalition for Better Education to give students more alternatives to choosing and acquiring a profession. — Ferliza C. Contratista/MEEV

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